Optical Sciences Corporation's engineering expertise covers multiple disciplines in support of the US Army, NASA, and private industry. OSC personnel are specialists in the areas of infrared engineering, optical lens design, mechanical systems design, electronics design, and software development.

Infrared Systems Engineering

OSC Engineer integrating IRSP on Flight Motion Simulator Optical Sciences Corporation personnel have supported the test and evaluation of infrared missiles, sensors, and seekers at the CCDC AvMC Hardware-in-the-Loop (HWIL) facilities since 1989. This support includes key roles in test planning, seeker/unit-under-test (UUT) integration, data collection, and performance evaluation. Additionally, OSC provides complete support for the day-to-day operation of the infrared system test equipment used to actively stimulate the missile/sensor hardware within the HWIL test environment. This test equipment includes several state-of-the-art dynamic infrared scene projection (IRSP) systems such as the:
  • Honeywell Emitter Array Based IRSP Systems
  • SBIR Emitter Array Based IRSP Systems
  • DMD Based IRSP Systems
  • Laser Diode Array Projector (LDAP) System
  • Infrared Zoom Projector System
  • Point Source Projector System
Optical Sciences Corporation infrared engineering activities also include the manufacturing of custom production line test stations. OSC has delivered these test station units for the in-line evaluation of production sub-munitions incorporating an infrared sensor.

Click for more information on Dynamic Infrared Scene Projectors (Emitter, DMD & Laser Based)

Optical Engineering

OSC optical engineers are specifically trained in the areas of optical systems design and analysis. OSC routinely designs optical assemblies for integration into scene projector and test station systems. These systems cover the ultraviolet, visible, mid-, and long-wave infrared wavebands. OSC works closely with manufacturers to insure these systems meet the stringent technical requirements set by today's state-of-the-art defense systems. Many of these projector systems incorporate unique features including: anamorphic optics, dichroics, diffractive lens surfaces, extended exit pupils, and multi-faceted polygon scanners. OSC engineers insure the optical quality of the simulated dynamic imagery meets or exceeds the standards set by the Unit Under Test (UUT).

Mechanical Engineering

OSC mechanical engineers provide daily support in the design of custom test equipment to support leading-edge HWIL testing. Test fixtures, mountings, motorized irises, and enclosures have been designed, fabricated and tested. OSC optical and mechanical engineers work together to insure all positional tolerancing requirements are met or exceeded for these state-of-the-art projector systems.

Electrical Engineering

OSC engineers provide daily support in the development, test, maintainence and operation of key electronic systems and subsystems in the operation of the infrared test equipment. OSC electrical engineers provide digital and analog design expertise for the development of state-of-the-art test systems.

Software Development

OSC personnel have developed extensive sytem control software packages for the operation of test equipment used in the HWIL environment. These are typically PC-based Windows applications providing an intuitive, powerful GUI for control of all test functionality required to initialize, operate, debug, and collect data during the daily operation of the infrared scene projectors and infrared test station equipment. OSC also provides custom image processing and data reduction software support to each of the CCDC AvMC infrared HWIL laboratories. This support plays a key role in the verification and validation of the infrared projector systems within the AvMC facilities.